Bob & Mary Rocco posted a symbolic gesture
Sunday, April 7, 2024

Juliet's Eulogy:
In the wise words of Frank Sinatra, "You only go around once, but if you play your cards right, once is enough."
My grandmother didn't fear death, she embraced it after living a very full life. She made sure that anyone who knew her was aware that today would be a cause of celebration and honoring her legacy. She was Marie to many, mom to one, and grandma to me. If you knew Marie, you knew her tenacity, fierce independence, and quick wit.
You were most likely to find her in the kitchen, eating something sweet whether it was breakfast time or midnight, and a cup of hot coffee in her hand. She kept an arsenal of food in her home at all times, buying at least 3 of everything and asking if you were hungry once every hour. At her house, everyone was welcome and everyone was fed. Sunday was a traditional Italian family day with homemade sauce, plenty of meatballs, and pasta. My childhood was filled with bowls of frozen grapes in the summer, plates of antipasto, pastina when I wasn't feeling well, and yet there was still room for a Dixie Cup ice cream that magically appeared in front of me every visit.
My grandmother taught me many life lessons, but the most important thing I learned was about giving back and helping others in need. Her love and generosity extended beyond our family, and she was someone you could always count on. She regularly donated to multiple charities throughout her life, ensuring others were taken care of as well. Growing up during the Great Depression shaped who she would become, facing difficult challenges along the way and learning to rise above adversity. To my dad, she was a true fighter and did everything she could to give him a better life than she had. She served as caregiver to my Pop Pop, her husband, for many years, making important medical decisions on his behalf and ensuring he received the best care possible up until the very end.
While I have many fond memories throughout our time together, one of our most recent will always hold a special place in my heart. As she battled dementia, her care facility was kind enough to host my husband Carl and I for a second wedding, complete with getting all dressed up, dancing, cake, and of course...a big plate of cookies. The disease in itself is inhibiting and debilitating, but somehow my grandmother was much happier and at ease than ever before. She truly enjoyed herself that day, smiling big and silently approving of the man I chose to marry.
As we look back on her life and reflect, I can say with certainty she is finally at peace, knowing she is with her mother and other loved ones again. She's been waiting for this moment for a long time. Today, we rejoice for her long-awaited reunification, 93 trips around the sun, and honor her fierce spirit. May she rest in peace.
MIKe & Sandra DeNardis posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Marie, Ronnie, Louise and I had great times together growing up. I especially remember all the songs and harmonizing that we did. That love of music led me into playing in the band. I remember the delicious cake you made when we came to your apartment after a late night gig, Mickey, Ronnie and me.
Sandra had a good friend in you and you always gave her good advice.
Great memories, too many to share.
Our condolences,
Sandra & Mike

A Memorial Tree was planted for Marie Rocco
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at S.J. PRIOLA PARSIPPANY FUNERAL SERVICE Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Marie F. Rocco uploaded a photo
Monday, February 26, 2024

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60 North Beverwyck Road
Lake Hiawatha, NJ 07034
FD#: Stephen J. Priola NJ Lic. No. 4071
Owner / Manager
Rebecca A. Romanowsky, C.F.S.P.,
NJ Lic. No. 4752 Funeral Director